Saturday, April 12, 2008

Growth Milestone...

Colin was officially weighed at the dr's yesterday and he has hit 20lbs!! AND...we were reassured by everyone at the cardiologist's office that it is not fluid gain!! It is very exciting to see Colin gaining weight. He seems to have more energy and get a little happier each day. Feeding continues to be an issue but, we just keep trying. Today he ate a wagon wheel (one of those Gerber finger foods) and he practically ate the entire thing!! steps towards big goals continue.

Please say a prayer for Elijah...he's been sick and is supposed to have heart surgery on Tuesday.


Heather said...

Give him some PIZZA!!!!

Kathy said...

YEAH for the wagon wheel! We let Isaac chew on a french fry today..and he FREAKED out when he accidentally bit off a small piece and it was in his mouth. we're on the "snail crawl around backwards" baby steps with Isaac...maybe our goal will be eating by mouth by kindergarten!!! He very well can't take TWO backpacks to school!
Glad to hear there's no fluid....good job Mr. Colin!!!

Aunt B said...

Will add Elijah and his family to our prayers....hoping all goes well for them. So glad Colin is progressing is so good to see him smile. Can't wait to see him again soon. Keep it up Colin...xxoo

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

Good job guys...

Matthew weighs 28lbs.. same as he did 6 months ago.... we're shocked...
but.. hey, he's fed thru a tube, not much more we can do!