Friday, April 04, 2008

Visit with Dr. K

Colin went to see Dr. K today. Echocardiogram is still unchanged from before surgery but, that is ok because it will take time for his right ventricle to get better. Colin's liver is still much smaller and his nose is not red anymore (yes-no more rudolph!!) Small baby steps forward-Colin gained 2 oz and grew in length 1/4 inch in 1 week! Colin is now 19.6 lbs and 28 1/4 inches long. This may not seem like much but, Colin has not really grown in almost a year!! All the weight that we thought he was gaining was all fluid-this is real weight gain!! Growing is the best thing for his right ventricle. AND-he is on minimal calories right now and needs extra calories for his healing. We got the ok to go up 1 ml per hour on Colin's feeds. Oh-almost forgot-Colin's sats were 99%!!

We're having some issues with Colin's therapists. Colin's PT is going out on maternity leave (I am so sad because she was fantastic) and we have to switch OT's because I cannot take Colin to the center for his therapy. I was told by our Service Coordinator that the list for PT's/OT's is very short and that they don't just want to put anyone with Colin because of his complex medical issues. (Heather Milligan are you listening?? Would you come out of retirement for Colin?? Even if it is only for a little while before you move?? Just teasing-Jack needs his mama!!) The good news is that his Speech Therapist is great and she will be working with us to get Colin eating and talking soon.

Keep those prayers for Colin coming....(and for his mama to get some patience...)


Sue said...

Sounds like it was a good checkup with the doctor. I have faith that Colin will start gaining more "real" weight - it's in the Domanico genes. I'm always thinking about him and you guys and saying my prayers! Love,Auntie Sue

Kathy said...

We don't know this Heather...the GREAT...but, tell her to just bring her new baby'll be great!!!
YEAH for 99 sats...isn't it just amazing!! baby steps Mr. steps!
We're glad to hear such wonderful news...hope you guys have a great weekend!!!

The Portas said...

Definitely praying for PATIENCE for you! The baby steps that Colin is taking are great. It may seem little and slow, but it is something and your man is getting stronger!

Way to go Colin. Everyone is so proud of you. :) Love and lots of hugs to you guys... xoxoxoxo

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

Wow, those SAT's are great...

we've beeen extremely luck the past year or two w/ Matthew's therapy from the state...
they come here about once a week... sometimes every two weeks...

it ends though when Matthew turns 3 next month.

Heather said...

colin is doing me about ot...maybe i can Help!!!!! Heather